Lights That Color Your Interior Design

Lighting plays a primary role in interior design because it affects the way you may perceive and experience a space. For this reason, a good lighting plan will help you achieve the precise atmosphere you envision for any room. Let’s explore some recommendations to make lighting and interior design a success for any space.

A Good Lighting Plan

Once you have decided what the purpose of each space will be, establishing a lighting plan will elevate the design features you have carefully selected. At this point, it will be helpful to know and understand the light source that is available and how it can be distributed.

Each bulb or lighting reflector has a condition or usage that favors certain spaces, which includes color and temperature, and direction. As a result, the appearance of illumination will not only accentuate your rooms but will improve their functional qualities as well.

Shades of Light, Tones of White

There is an intangible feature that many people miss out on when they’re renovating rooms: the mood or the atmosphere. In addition to arranging pieces in your space to look good and cohesive, you can add that extra touch and tie the space together by setting a certain ambiance or special vibe by using the proper color and temperature of light.

Color and temperature describe the warmth or coolness of the light source. Each color and temperature works best for a particular application or activity. The lighting expert you work with can help you determine which option would work best for any given space.

  • Warm White: This color offers a sense of cozy, calm, inviting, and intimate mood to your room. For this reason, it is mostly used in bedrooms, family rooms, and living rooms as they offer an inviting air to the space.
  • Natural White: This option refers to a friendly, bright, and vibrant light. This type of light is typically used in kitchens, bathrooms, and workspaces, where lighting must be bright.
  • Cool White: This color temperature is clean, bright and invigorating. This type of lighting is best for offices, hospitals, and commercial areas.


From Linear Lighting to Overall Brightness

Most recent design tendencies follow the rule that a good lighting design is all about layers. This translates as a combination of different lighting sources used in a space to create contrast, accentuate certain design elements, and provide color and texture. Knowing you have the possibility to unify color and temperature with layers of light allows you to stage a wider range of alternatives when coming up with the ideal design of a room.

  • Ambient lighting: This is considered the base layer of lighting. This references the overall illumination of a room. It is the general and uniform layer. That is why it is usually soft and diffused. On one hand it sets the tone of the space, and from a more practical perspective this form of illumination allows you to move all around the room. Some options would be ceiling mounted lights, recessed lights, LED strips, as well as wall and pendant lights, or even table lamps precisely placed.
  • Accent lighting: This type of lighting is used to highlight an object or area to draw people’s attention and turn a piece of art or furniture into a focal point. Accent lighting is responsible for adding drama, style, and contrast to the room.
  • Task lighting: In spaces where activities are common and a specific source of light will be helpful, task lighting is an ideal choice. This will be the most functional layer of your lighting plan. Some examples include kitchen counter lighting, an office area or reading nook, or even the bathroom as you’ll need a brighter and more direct beam towards an exact spot.

The recent upgrade in LED bulbs of warm dimming technology will help you easily adapt each space to your daily needs according to the time of day and the intended use of the space. In other words, you can lower or elevate the brightness by going from a “warmer” to a “cooler” color tone as the natural light changes throughout the day.

Regardless of which lighting type you need to make your space truly shine, Laymance Lighting can help you determine the ideal product for your needs.

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